Circulation Policy

The circulation policy is as follows:
Reference books (encyclopedias, dictionaries etc) are not borrowed. They remain in the reading room and are used on the premises.
Circulation collection materials (two or more copies under the same title) may be borrowed for two (2) weeks. Circulation collection materials (one copy) may be borrowed for 5 days.
Books on Reserve. All users can ask for a reservation of two books.
Scientific Journals and Magazines: are not borrowed. They remain in the library and are used on there..
Rights of using the libraries material can have: All Libraries users must have a card of Library’s member.

Instructive Staff:

• The permanent Instructive Staff

• The extraordinary Instructive Staff

• The students

• The administrative personnel

• Other people, which should acquire a card of Library’s member.


Among the many libraries’ services available are circulation of Libraries’ materials, searches for reference queries and bibliographic instructions. The libraries also provide limited copying of materials in order to protect the copy rights of authors. Central and Department Libraries provide computing facilities like OPAC, Database etc. Twenty computers are in the Central Library and Ten in each Department Library available for libraries’ users. Each PC has Internet access and access on libraries’ Data Bases.